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How can you earn from your free MasterCard

FriendFinder’s affiliate program is an easy-to-join system that enables Webmasters to earn monthly paychecks by promoting one or more of the sites within our diverse network.

How much will I earn?
Our affiliate program is the HIGHEST PAYING ANYWHERE, with many affiliates making 75 cents per click or up to 100% of every premium membership. Our monthly payout is over $500,000, with some of our best affiliates making over $30,000 per month. So the amount you earn is up to you, the more traffic you send, the more money you will make.

Does it cost anything to become an affiliate?
No. It costs absolutely nothing to become an affiliate. In fact you can start earning money almost immediately, because it takes just a few minutes to sign up, and only a bit longer to put our banner or descriptive text link onto your web page.

Every member signup with ur refferal, You get paid 1$ for male and 2$ for female. All your income are deposited in your MasterCard
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